INTERGEN Genset Powered by MAN
Powering The World

Sebagai distributor INTERGEN Genset Powered by MAN, kami menjual berbagai macam produk INTERGEN Genset Powered by MAN. Jika anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk kebutuhan genset, hubungi kami di +6231 9985 0000, +6221 2900 6565, +6281288889052.

  • Product Detail
    Range Capacity:250-1000kVA

    MAN Genset is compact, powerful, durable, and using the latest technology. This tradition reaches back to Rudolf Diesel who built the first diesel engine in the world at MAN. Until today, MAN diesel engine has been consistently designed using quality material with high accuracy and precision.
    Features:- High specific output of up to 33 kW/1displacement
    - Fast response to load changes and reliability under peak loads
    - Environmental compatibility thanks to the lowest pollutant emissions
    - Low running cost owing to low consumption of fuel and lube oil
    - Robust Genset, Compact design to save space
    - Long useful life coupled with low maintenance effort and good access
    to all points requiring service
    - Wide range of accessories to suit all needs
    Stock:Genset MAN are available in Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, Balikpapan, Bali, Pontianak, Pekanbaru, Manado, and Banjarmasin
    Spare Part:Ready Stock Spare Part MAN
    Use original parts to better maintain and prolong the lifetime of your genset.
    Non-original parts may look similar, but will not have the same quality as the genuine and that could affect performance of genset.
    Suku Cadang:Suku cadang MAN tersedia lengkap dari Filter Solar (Fuel Filter), Filter Oli (Oil Filter), Filter Udara (Air Filter), dan part lainnya. Selalu gunakan suku cadang asli untuk lebih menjaga kondisi genset dan membuat umur genset lebih lama. Suku cadang yang tidak asli bisa saja terlihat serupa, tetapi tidak akan memiliki kualitas yang sama dibandingkan dengan yang asli sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kinerja genset
  • Spare Parts
  • Download MAN Genset Brochure